Friday, October 24, 2003


It occurs to me that some of you may think that I am no better than you for starting this blog. Well, thats just not the case. See, every other blog I've seen on this site has been a cry for attention. It's all about getting sympathy from other users and posting useless crap about the opposite sex. I like to call these people attention whores, and I find it to be quite pretentious to think that random people around the world would give a shit about my personal exploits with the female gender, or how im doing in school for that matter. These are the kind of people that when youre talking to them in real life, you get one sentence out, and its "Ohh me too! Listen to what happened to me!" I never knew there were so many of you fuckers.

On that note, today I got a 101 on my test in my ethnomusicology course, and that girl who sits next to me in class brushed my hand with hers when I was reaching for my pen.

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